Every Blogger I know is busy with their own particular Niche and spare time is a misnomer for sure.
So when you find that you have a little bit of time on your hands, you want a book that is going to really grab your attention. That way you know you will come back for a further installment. Well to that end, I have a book to recommend to you!
Tara Westover has just written her first book, a Memoir. You would think that a young lady like her, would not have too much to write about, given her age. That is where you would be so terribly wrong!
EDUCATED is the title of her memoirs and boy, oh boy, can she tell a story.
Living in the shadow of Buck’s Peak, Tara and her siblings all work in the family junk yard. Mom has learned how to make essential oils and lotions and potions to help the body heal itself. All seven children are home schooled. What that really means is that they never ever went to school at all. The learning they did was of things that they needed to know to survive,
Home life is all about working and helping to make tinctures and oils. Sunday obligations get them into town once in a while, but not often. Entertainment is reading the Bible and the writings of John Smith.
Tara’s father is distrustful of all “organized” events and believes that most everything that they have not done for themselves is “evil”. Politics, schools and hospitals are all in cahoots with government to control the people. It is only when one of his family shows a particular talent that doors start to open and Tara begins to see what she is missing.
The family has limited exposure to the “outside” world.
This is an amazing book in that you will not believe that this could be happening in today’s world. It is real, gut wrenching and hard to put down.
You won’t be disappointed that you decided to take this book and read it. I’d love to hear what you think of this book!
Available on Amazon, currently rated #4 in Books and available right here:
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