When you only have the Weekend to play around in the Garden, you have to make the most of that opportunity. Monday to Friday there are things that can be done, but the weekend is when the Gardening Warriors come out in full force.
Weekend Warriors in the Garden love to share their knowledge with everyone, but planting seeds with children or grandchildren is especially fun. Children are just like the seeds we are planting, and if you get the two together, there is no stopping the fun you will have. But it’s not only fun, it’s teaching your children life lessons as you show them how to do the things that you might just take for granted.
Weekend Gardeners are a strong and determined bunch of people. If you will pardon the pun, they won’t let any grass grow under their feet, they would rather be preparing pots, or ground, or seeds and have something wonderful growing for their efforts.
Planting seeds with the kids, is just one of the many endeavors that a weekend gardener will look forward to. By now, moving towards daylight saving time and mid-March, most weekend gardeners already have their pots filled with ground, their seeds purchased, or ordered for sure and they are just itching to get their hands into that precious dirt.
Growing seeds with kids requires a bit of forethought. You want to pick a seed that you know will sprout. There is nothing more devastating than having your seed come up and then die within a few days. We don’t want to discourage our children, rather we want to give them that excitement at seeing their work grow into something beautiful.
To that end, Weekend Gardeners should have a supply of Marigold seeds, and some small pots to put them into. This is a really safe bet, because every gardener knows that marigolds are great natural pest deterrents. There won’t be a gardener worth their salt, that doesn’t have these growing somewhere in their gardens. To boot, if you have more than one child learning how to garden, marigolds come in several different types, so you can give each child their own “type” of marigold to grow.
With this as the start, your kids will already be learning how to set their seeds up, for maximum growth and vigor. Planting seeds with children will remind you to share your knowledge as you go about doing all the prep work. The other beauty is that you have nice young backs to help lift and move things around.
Our Children will become natural gardeners when they are taken under our wings at an early age. It’s fun for them and it helps us. Not only will it help us, but it will in the long run help them become much more aware of the earth and what it means to be a good steward.
Weekend warriors and weekend Gardeners come in all shapes and sizes….

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Weekend Gardeners-Weekend Warriors
Teaching your children and grandchildren how and when to start growing seeds.
Grammie Olivia
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