Wildlife and the Back Yard do not necessarily mix well.
It doesn’t seem to matter if you live in the suburban areas or if you live in the country, animals can and will make themselves a nuisance. It seems that is what they are supposed to do. Nightly Visitors can be vanquished with the use of the Yard Sentinel. We have had raccoons declare our yard, theirs! I understand that raccoons have every right to live, but I don’t want them living in my backyard. They have a nasty habit of fishing in my pond and catching my Koi. I am never pleased when I walk out in the morning to find only the heads of my fish lying on the ground area surrounding my pond. To that end, I have decided to get a Yard Sentinel. This device emits an ultrasonic sound that is hurtful to the ears of stray raccoons or dogs, or other small creatures that are determined to inhabit part of your space.
The animals don’t like the high frequency noises that can be set to steer them away. With several settings on the device, it can be used as a 24 hour a day deterrent or you can focus it for night time and motion sensing so that it goes off only when it is triggered. These two models that I am showcasing for you here, are similar in in how they work, the second one just has the added feature of a remote control.
That is a handy feature that you might just consider if you are purchasing this item. Why? Well, because of the different settings, you could have this going off in the middle of the night and waking your neighbors. It does have a noise setting, that can be heard for quite a distance. So if you are going to use it in that setting mode, it would be beneficial to you, to be able to reset it as quickly as possible.
It’s not nice to be making loud noises in the middle of the night, even if it is to scare off unwanted animals. The remote will work well with this setting. The ultrasonic settings won’t need that so much. Most people will not hear those sounds, they are meant for animals who hear those high frequencies. It’s the whole principle of the device. Make it uncomfortable for the animals to be in your yard. It will also work for noisy dogs who bark incessantly. They bark and the high pitched noise is triggered, they stop barking because it hurts their ears. Problem solved. Neighbors who have these unruly dogs have no idea why their dogs all of a sudden stop barking. What they don’t know is that you have a secret weapon the Yard Sentinel.

Hmm, I wonder if this would work to scare the thieves out of my Jeep. I’ll have to look into this a bit more closely. Thanks for the review!
Wouldn’t that be an added bonus….I bet Amazon and the Company that makes this product would love to know the answer to that question too…..
I’m a bit confused about the sound it emits. Do humans hear it or not? You mentioned it might wake the neighbors and that’s why the remote might be needed. Fortunately my neighbors with the worst offending barking dogs moved away.
There are different settings on the back of the unit. You can have it make an audible noise for you to hear if you want to. You can also leave it in the setting that only animals will hear. It all depends on your particular use for the device. So no confusion needed, order it, see if you like it, if you don’t you know Amazon is amazing at returns….
Great suggestions if you need a deterrent for those unwanted nighttime visitors. What I like best about your ideas is that they will not harm the wildlife
Harming wildlife is not what I want, I just want them to leave what’s not for them alone…..like my Koi! These are deterrents and I agree, no harm should be done.
I didn’t know one of these ultrasonic devices would work to quiet a barking dog. Currently we don’t have a problem with nighttime small animal visitors, but that could easily change next time a possum decides to move in (we had one for months that would climb on our bbq grill) or a raccoon takes up residence (they like to take the lids off the garbage cans). And then there’s the armadillos… Sure do hope this works for you to keep those pesky raccoons out of your koi.
Susan read the reviews from people who have used it to quieten down dogs. They are the ones I am going by, I don’t have a dog problem. The Raccoons are deterred….my Koi are happy and so am I.
I can see why you’d need this yard sentinel to protect your Koi from raccoons, Olivia. But I really like the idea of using one to deter neighborhood dogs from barking! We don’t have a backyard pond, but we do have annoying dogs nearby.
If you read the reviews on this product you will read many about dogs that bark and how this has helped. I can only go from other’s experience in that department.
Pat, every time the dogs bark they get a nasty ringing in their ears…..we don’t hear it but they do. I think dogs are smart enough to figure it out quite quickly that their own barking is causing the distress they feel, so they remain quiet. All the reviews from people who bought the product for annoying dogs seemed to be satisfied that it worked!
Coming back to buy one of these after the third of August when I get my check. We have a little dog behind us who incessantly barks at night, and my son’s bedroom is back there. It wakes him, and he’s been known to go over into the neighbor’s yard and pound on the door. But it seems the fellow works at night and leaves the dog outside. So my son left him a message on his door telling him the dog was keeping people awake. I believe he’s keeping it indoors now, but still, just in case, I want one of these, the 2nd one with the remote. Thanks Olivia, and I’ll pass this on to my daughter for the critters that haunt her yard at night. She has chickens and doesn’t want them hurt. 😀
The reviews for this product are very good. I know someone out west who has one in her yard to deter the deers and she insists it works great. The dogs are written up in the reviews. I do not have personal experience but believe what others have written in their reviews….
Nancy, all the people who bought this product for noisy dogs, seem to be happy with the results. I don’t like to do anything that will harm any animal, but yappy little dogs at night are really annoying. I would imagine that it would work for your daughters chickens as well. It will deter rats, weasels, and the like…..