Of course everyone knows there are 12 months in the year and what a year it could be!
There will be many times to celebrate when going through the calendar. There will be birthdays, anniversaries, maybe a new baby or two and a whole lot of time to celebrates! The best way to enjoy these times and celebrations has to be by sending a greeting to our family and friends.
Mail Boxes vs. Email-boxes
I don’t know about you, but I know that I personally love to get cards and notes from my friends! I’m not talking about cute little “.gifs”, I’m talking about cards and notes are hand picked and hand delivered. I like to keep my postman busy! There is nothing more exciting than seeing a familiar handwriting on a card that has your name on it! It’s even better when celebrating a birthday or anniversary!
Where to go for help in getting started!
Dollar Tree is the place to go to get those fantastic, wonderful, funny or heartwarming cards that you know someone will enjoy. There are 6,500 Dollar Tree stores in the USA! On August 30th, they will start carrying Hallmark cards from their Expression line ($1.00) and also their Heartline series (2 for $1.00). There will be cards for everyone! You will be able to find cards that fit your life, your culture and your family.
Making it easy to remember those IMPORTANT DATES:
I love to buy a calendar every year. You know those ones with the big squares that let you jot in appointments and other “stuff”. I know I can get those at the Dollar Tree stores too! Then I spend some time in the card isle. I have a list of birthdays, anniversaries, and any upcoming events, like baby showers handy. It amazes me how much fun it is to pick out that one special card for someone I love. The hour or so that I’m in the card isle is dotted with laughter, smiles and grins. One by one I pick out the cards that I know will suit each person the best. When I get home again, I will address the cards, write my little quips or sentiments and then into the calendar they go. That way when I check my calendar, I know exactly when to drop them in the mailbox, for a timely delivery.
It’s Simple, It’s Easy and It Means So Much!
Hallmark cards are the Best greeting cards ever and priced right at Dollar Tree stores. With these new lines of cards, they will become even better than before. There is no doubt in my experience, that you will find that “perfect card” that says what your heart is feeling. Friends and family will proudly display the greetings that come to them, sent with lots of love, from you!
My cards will be displayed over many weeks and everytime I look at them again, my heart is warmed by the sentiments I read. You just can’t get that from an e-mail.
Take my advice, you won’t regret it!
My American Friends are lucky, they have Dollar Tree right around the corner! My Canadian friends have to wait till they head south for the winter! I know they will and I know they will spend some time in the Dollar Tree stores too!
**I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
I so agree. There is nothing like receiving a hand written card in the mail. I love it. Re email cards: I won’t open them.
I love sending cards to people! Their is just something special about actually being able to hold it in your hands! 🙂
I must say I do love dollar stores. You can find great gifts or stuff to make gift baskets at dollar stores.
I have several friends who enjoy receiving greeting cards on their birthday. I have a calendar set up on my computer to remind me of upcoming birthdays, yet I still sometimes manage to get to the day, and freak out because I forgot to send a card. I need to start buying way in advance from the Dollar Tree and have them ready to go when the month rolls around.
How true and nice it is to receive special cards and notes from friends and loved ones. Well done Olivia!!