Who hasn’t made some mistakes while traveling to another country?
Everyone makes mistakes, but when you have decided to travel to another country making mistakes can cost you dearly. So the best advice is Be Prepared!
Where are you going?
If you are taking a trip to an all-inclusive resort, your planning will be much easier. You won’t have to worry about going out for dinner or a show, they are usually all held on the premises of the resort and casual wear is quite the norm. But if you are going to travel somewhere else, and will have to make your own arrangements for dinners, you might find you need to dress differently, or plan to have some evening clothes packed. Bringing too much clothes can cause the weight in your luggage to become a problem.

Everything Right Where You Are.
You are only allowed to bring so many kilos or pounds of Luggage, your trip planner will advice you how much you are allowed to bring. Planning in this instance is necessary for your comfort and your convenience. Having a plan helps you make better use of the things you have packed.
Tilley Endurables are wonderful clothes to pack and take with you wherever you are traveling. Tilley clothes pack easily, are washable and dryable overnight and they are coordinated so that with a few pieces you can make several different outfits. Clothing that is wrinkle free and breathes makes for comfort, they are also casual but dressy too. Thse are excellent choices in clothes to take on your travels.
Shoes weigh a lot more than you think!
Two pairs of shoes for walking in whatever city you find yourself in should do the trick. Why two pairs? Well you never know what the weather is going to do and if you find yourself in a downpour and your feet are soaked, it would be nice to let one pair of shoes dry out and use the second pair as a backup. Buying and breaking in a new pair of shoes while you are traveling is not a great idea. You just know you’ll end up with blisters or pinched toes. That would spoil your plans to take in all the sights. Packing too many shoes isn’t a good idea either. (It’s expensive to mail shoes home.) So a good rule of thumb is to have two pairs following the seasons that you will encounter on your journey.
Have a Plan!
Again, if you are going to travel to an all-inclusive resort, there isn’t much need to plan. You might take a day trip off the resort, but most of the time will be spent on-site. It’s a whole different story if you are going to Europe, South America, Australia or further afield.
If you are traveling to those destinations then I would highly recommend that you get familiar with some of the sights in those countries before you even get on the plane. Travel Guides are a Must Have!
Not only will the Travel Guide Books help you get to those sites that you are looking forward to seeing, but they will also help with walking tours, sights along the way, customs that you might not be aware of and such information that will really help you feel more comfortable in this new place.
Set your budget!
In days gone by, everyone who traveled used Travellers Cheques. These seem to be a thing of the past. Today we make use of other ways to pay for things. Credit Cards (VISA, MASTERCARD, AND AM EX) seem to be the preferred method of payment in many city areas.
You will still need some cash!
Paying by Credit cards may not be something readily available if you are going to the outbacks of Thailand and India, Vietnam or China. In those places, you had better have the currency of the country ready and available. You don’t want to miss out on that special souvenir that you will never see again because you didn’t have cash. Again this is where your research and study beforehand will come to play. Most hotels will have a way to exchange dollars for the currency of the country, but you could be paying a lot more for that luxury. I’d rather be prepared and spend more time looking at places to be than where to exchange my money.
Your budget will have a bearing on what you will do while you are away. Do not short change yourself, you might not get to where you are going a second time, so take that into account when figuring out your costs.
Keep a Journal!
Every day that you are away a small notation should be made in your journal, or a small voice recorder could be used as well. You think you will remember everything, but in truth, you will not. Even as a day goes by, you may forget something that you really found interesting during the earlier hours. Write it down and you won’t be disappointed. Pick up postcards and pamphlets from the hotels. When you get home and make your scrapbook of your trip, you can fill in the pages with pictures that have been optimized for you. There is no shame in postcards filling in your spaces. You may happen to be somewhere really special and the weather is just not cooperating with your best picture taking abilities. That postcard will be the finishing touch.
What kind of Luggage should I have?
Now the only thing you will need to get you going is a great suitcase that will stand the tests of traveling. Airports are busy places and we’ve all seen how our bags are handled. You want to make sure your bag will hold up to the roughest baggage jockey in the world. Or you may find that all your careful planning and packing was for naught.
Suitcases with at least a 4 star plus rating are listed here. Wheels on the bottom make running through airports easier and you know that will happen at least once. Check the allowances for the size of your bags with the airlines and make sure that your cases fit those restrictions. No sense in bringing a case and it costing you extra because it is considered “oversize”.
Make the Most of your Carry On Bag!
You will also need a backpack for those things that are really important like your camera, guidebooks, and snacks along the way. You need this for the souvenirs you might purchase, and pamphlets and things you will pick up along the way. It’s much easier to have a backpack than a purse, the weight is distributed better and you will last a lot longer when you are walking and climbing in and out of those must see places. Backpacks are also much harder for Pick-pockets to get into, where a purse slung over your shoulder is a “welcome flag” to those who would like to take your possessions.
Your Backpack will be like your carry on for the plane. So you will need something sturdy with lots of room inside for those necessities. Your camera, phone, electronics and such should be stored where they are easy to access. In this group of items, I have included some saftey ideas too. In foreign countries, you always have to think about pick-pockets. Making use of a travel wallet will help you stay safe and not become a target. Electronics need to be recharged, so have plugs for any difference in electrical outputs.
Above all be ready to have a good time.
What great advice for travelers. My boyfriend always seems to forget something.
I know what you mean. When you are traveling on your own it’s much easier to keep tabs on all the little things. Add another person into the equation and it’s like adding another whole list of things and then some.
Very helpful post for those that need the info! Yes, good and sturdy luggage is a must and with wheels too. I’m going to have to check out the Tilley Endurables, I like the idea of being dryable overnight and coordinated. Thanks Olivia from Grammy Dee, #BloggingGrandmothers #LinkUp #BlogParty, social media shared.
Grammy Dee, I really like Tilley Endurables, they are a little more expensive, but they are well made and have special travel pockets and other neat ideas to keep you safe during travels. Well worth the cost and they are very well made.
22 somewhere
101 Bay Drive
We are planning a big trip so this is perfect information needed before we leave. Thanks for linking up with blogging grandmothers.
How wonderful for you Candy, Where are you going? Inquiring minds want to know!