When you are home from a “crazy” day at work, it’s really nice to climb into your PJ’s, Slippers and Robe yourself for some relaxation time. The Evening is yours and so are most weekends. Comfort and warmth are so nice after a day of running like the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Everyone […]
Creating Backyard Rooms
Backyard Rooms with a view are easy to obtain when you plan your space properly. If you are new to setting up your living space outdoors, then take some lessons here before you start. Backyard rooms are a wonderful idea and if you don’t use your yard to it’s fullest potential yet, maybe when you […]
Five of the Best Gifts for Gardeners at Eastertime
There are Gardeners out there who do not want or need chocolate at Eastertime! So for those who don’t feel the need to indulge a sweet tooth, I have five recommendations that will have your Gardener Friend as excited as those who do love Easter Bunnies! Five of the Best Gifts for Gardeners at […]