One of the greatest gifts we give to ourselves and to others is time to read. You never know where your mind will take you when you open a book and start to read. Whether you like history, geography, romance or mysteries, there is something out there for you to enjoy. Kindle Unlimited is a […]
How to Excite Christian Children to the Story of Christmas
Christmas is a very Spiritually Time of Year, but how do you excite your children to the Amazing Story of Christmas? Over the years, Christmas has become so much more about presents and what you will “get” from Santa, then from the true meaning of Christmas. So how do parents and grandparents help their Christian […]
Unlimited Ways to Help Children Learn While Having Fun
Children have unlimited ways to learn and the whole time they are learning they are having fun too! offers ways for your child to get excited about learning how to read, learning math, science and social studies. It’s all done in a fun and easy atmosphere, where the lessons are integrated with characters […]
Welcome to Grammie Knows How and Olivia’s Newsletter
Within these pages and posts you will find a host of things to do both for yourself and/or with some one you love. That could be your other half or one of your children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews, or anyone else that you care about. You can learn about knitting or crocheting, drawing, colouring, […]