It’s been 3 weeks now since the newest episode of Star Wars has hit the theaters and hands down, everyone who has seen it, loves it! What is sad, for some, is that the children who fell in love with Star Wars in their childhood are now adults who can’t take the time to indulge their child like fantasy for the characters they grew up loving. Or can they?
The boardroom, full of grown up men and women, just isn’t the place where Star Wars t-shirts or other Fan Garb is accepted. So what is the die hard Star Wars grown up to do?
Let me introduce you to the ultimate Grown-up Groupie apparel. Not only will your favorite board member wear this, but he will be so happy to do just that and even happier when one of his confreres recognizes his attire.
GrammieKnowsHow to get these guys dressed for success, while still holding onto their Star Wars dreams. Look closely at these beautiful Neckties and you can see that they are stylish and yet on closer inspection you can find his favorite character adorning the colorful business attire.
Top this off with a beautiful set of cufflinks and your guy is ready for the office boardroom looking his best and feeling like the greatest Fan ever.
Mega Fan is ready to take on the corporate world with his Star Wars emblazoned neckties and his three piece suit. Let the Force be with You!
How very cool! Those ties are super-classy. I can just picture someone admiring one from a distance then suddenly recognizing the pattern. Big smile!
Susan, that is exactly what happened to my son (the Biggest Star Wars Fan ever). Came to drop something off at my house, on his way home from work and I’m admiring his tie……he says it’s his favorite and it’s got R2D2’s all over it…..and the matching cuff links…..
Super cool! I would love to wear those Artoo cufflinks!
Aren’t they the greatest, my son came to visit with a pair of those on his dress white shirt, I just about lost it! They looked so nice and very elegant too. He is my ultimate Star Wars geek!