Christmas and Kids go hand in hand! Finding the Fun Toys and Hobby Kits that they love is why I’m here!
I love to find things that help my grandchildren become productive and artistic people. I believe that if you encourage that kind of artistry and the ability to work with their hands and minds, you help them become a more rounded person. They are having fun while trying out some new ways to do things and also how to make things. Hobby kits are a great way to encourage your children to try new things with their hands.
Working with Paper
In years past my husband and I would make paper airplanes with our kids! It was a great joy for them to be able to share with their friends some of the really neat planes you could make. Not just your regular Paper Airplanes, these ones were fantastic. We found them in a Book called the Paper Ace! That book was a real change from the norm. Today they have even more books on Paper Airplane like 30 Planes for the Paper Pilot!
Building and flying paper planes is a hobby that can be so much fun. It makes little minds expand with knowledge that they have gained from experimenting with this hobby.
Both of these books are a great idea for boys and girls who just love to fly things! They will learn all about lift and drag at the same time! These are things that they may have already learned in Science class, or maybe they are a little to small for the technical parts of flying. The great thing about making paper planes with them is that you can explain to them the whole reasons that these planes do in fact fly. Time spend with the children teaching them in a fun way, is never wasted!
Working with Fabrics
Maybe your son or daughter is more interested in working with fabrics. Many a tailor or dressmaker has had their start with simple projects using cloth in ways that they find interesting. I know that’ s where I got my start. Making simple pillows, adorning a T-shirt, making a pet bed and so many more crafty ideas are already laid out for you in this Hobby Kit! Needlework Hobbies are many and varied and if you don’t happen to like this one, there are lots of others Needlework Hobbies to try.
If you don’t want to buy a kit already put together, you can make a kit yourself with your choices or choices you know your kids will love. You might want a book with instructions so that you will know what you need to purchase and so that your child can follow the instructions given for any number of small projects. Whatever gets their hands working is a bonus for you and for themselves too. There are so many really cute projects and you can pick one, two or more for the young ones in your home to try. Be ready though, you just might have unleashed a sewing monster!
Working with Yarns
Knitting and crocheting are another great hobby for little hands. Children aged 8 and up should be able to handle the skills needed to knit or crochet small useable items. Scarves are a great starter project in knitting, while granny squares are a great and colorful way to encourage those who like to crochet. Kits for both of these types of hobbies are readily available with easy to follow instructions.
There are so many more hobby kits available and Grammie Olivia will write more on the subject. Stay tuned!
I received a number of craft kits and science kits growing up, and my kids still love getting them too. Sometimes we buy prepared kits. But my mother also loves to assemble personalized kits for the kids. She gets to shop around for all the contents and then she has a blast finding a container and putting everything together. The kids never know what will be inside that basket or cookie tin until they start pulling things out. It’s a lot of fun!
Kyla I have done much the same, I love shopping for those special little things that will make a gift even more special for the one particular child. My son and his lovely wife, just stare in amazement at the assortment of goodies that my grandchildren get from my forays into the crafty stores. Happy Holidays..
I made paper planes with my father and then with my son. Crafts are a great way to spend time together.
So true Brenda, when you are having fun together kids can relax and just talk to their parents too. It’s amazing sometimes what’s on their minds and what you can talk about while folding those sheets of paper.