The time is coming where people will be starting all manner of seeds for their gardens in 2016. Without a doubt, an Indoor Greenhouse or an indoor area with Greenhouse lighting, will make a big difference in whether you are successful or not in your endeavor. Indoor greenhouses for the Northern climates will help to keep your seedlings in a reasonably warm environment. They will not suffer from cold drafts when doors are being opened and closed. They will also have the benefit of being in a humid place where their newly forming fingerling roots won’t dry out.
Starting seeds indoors is so much fun and it’s a “job” that can be shared with children. They can learn how to do this quite easily, and then see the rewards of their efforts in a few short days or weeks. Many a teacher will use planting seeds as part of a science lesson. It is fun to watch nature. One area where growing seeds at home becomes problematic, is the lack of daylight hours in the more Northern Climes. Most people who sow seeds use only the light coming through the windows to help germinate the seeds and that is fine. But once the seeds break the surface, they will require more light close to their “tops” to keep them from becoming leggy and unhealthy. Grow lights would significantly help the seedlings to become strong healthy and ready for planting outdoors when the time is right.
Indoor greenhouses with added Grow lights will make your seed sowing a total success. Just think of the fun things you can grow, like your own tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and even a whole variety of flowers to help act as natural insect repellents. Marigolds and nasturiums the first to keep bugs away and the second to add to your salads. All benefit by being grown early in your indoor greenhouse. Knowing where your plants came from, will make you that much happier when you are harvesting the work you have done.

It makes it so much better when you have the tools to do the job right. Lights and a good place to start seeds will make them grow that much better.
Ah, it’s getting to be gardening season here and I love it! Using greenhouse lighting or shelter indoors would be so much fun and such a great way to keep things growing and blooming year round.