Do you know what a Moon Garden is?
Let’s begin by saying that most gardens are enjoyed in the daylight. Moon gardens are planted to be enjoyed in the evening hours. They are filled with plants that will reflect the moonlight and are highly fragranced especially in the evening hours. With more people working all day, Moon Gardens make a lot of sense. Everyone can get outdoors and enjoy the beauty!
So what are the steps I need to get a beautiful Moon Garden?
First and foremost is to make a space that you will enjoy in the evening. This could be a patio, deck or some corner of your garden that is open to receiving moonlight. If you have huge trees in your yard, you may decide to provide your own lighting for the evenings. That is totally acceptable in a Moon Garden. Hanging some lovely lights in your trees or bushes, will surely make your garden a magical place in the evenings. Many of those lights are readily available from places like Amazon and your local hardware stores. There are many, many choices and ultimately whatever you choose will be beautiful I’m sure.
If you are planning on entertaining in your yard, I would like to suggest that you concentrate on some path lighting as well as overhead lighting. Evenings in the garden can be a little more dangerous when you can’t see readily. So lighting the footpaths is important. You don’t want to twist your ankle unnecessarily. Also lighting the footpaths will let you enjoy little critters like frogs and toads, or moths that come out and are attracted to the lights as well.
Plants for your Moon Garden!
Let’s start with some plants that should be in your garden to maximize the light from the moon and stars!
Most of the plants you will have in the garden will be white or light blue. Both of these will reflect the light of the moon and make your garden a magical place in the evening. So let’s start figuring out what to plant. You want to plant some bushes and vines to give your Moon Garden some Borders. One of the easiest bushes to grow is the Hydrangea. The flowers that cover this bush look like great big snowballs!They are so nice and will reflect lots of light. White Dogwoods are also beautiful trees that shine in the night too. Clematis Vines are beautiful too and can be grown up through a tree for added flowering power. These are all great for plants to look up to and draw your eyes to the sky. But there are more at eye level too!
Eye Level Plants
Moving a little lower there are white peonies, white roses, several species of white grasses and light green with white Hostas make an inviting display. Mix in some annuals that are highly scented and you will have a Moon Garden, worthy of praise and beauty. Annuals like Evening Scented Stocks (they come in white) or Brugmansia (sometimes an annual sometimes all year round depending on where you live), Moonflower (morning glory that blooms at night), Wisteria, a blooming vine that is highly fragrant in spring, Tuberose a bulb that can be planted outdoors but must be lifted in zones less than 8. Nicotania is another annual that just smells divine and night blooming jasmine. Datura and 4 O’Clocks are other favorites in the Moon Garden.
Ground Cover Plants
Lamiums and Alyssums hug the ground tightly and will again reflect any light that hits their little flowers. This is the place where Moon Ray type lights will also cast a beautiful glow on the ground area, bathing it in soft light. Use these plants to border your walkways for added definition and fun.
Not all your plants have to be white, but the lighter colored plants will reflect the moonlight much better than the reds and purples. These tend to look almost black at night, unless they are bathed in some type of artificial lighting. While their color won’t be manifested as well in a Moon Garden, the scents will still be enjoyed.
Many of these plants are available through Amazon as well. Just for your comfort and enjoyment, I have selected a few for you.
You can also buy these from your local greenhouses and garden centers.
Please note that not all of these plants are winter hardy. Much will depend on your gardening zone. But all will grow for you for one summer season for sure.
For your convenience, I have included a Zone Map just in case you are not sure what gardening zone you are in. Using this link, you can find your zone, and it is an interactive site! So worthwhile to keep as a resource for your gardening experiences!
My Favorites!
I must confess, I love gardening of all kinds. That means that I love my bushes and perennials as much as I love my annuals. So to that end, I do have a list of plants that I love to have in my garden and they will be there every year. They are tried and true, bloom well and smell incredible. They also attract birds, butterflies, and critters, all kinds.
Butterfly Bush because it is beautiful, flowers constantly and attracts a wide range of butterflies and hummingbirds to my garden. Moon Flower morning glories, these are a “must-have”, unlike regular morning glories (which are also in my garden), these bloom at night with huge white flowers that are scented to the nth degree! Brugmansia, I have had mine for over 10 years, but it requires lots of love. In my area they are NOT hardy, so I take cuttings in the fall and overwinter them indoors. When all danger of frost is gone, they go back out into the garden. Even though they are high maintenance, they are so worth it.
**(This picture comes from, this plant is currently not available.)
If you want to learn more about these plants, I would suggest joining a Garden Club in your area. I’m sure you will find people there that will sell or give you cuttings so that you can start your own.
Moon Gardens are Wonderful
If you can, please consider planting a Moon Garden. Not only will you enjoy the outdoors much more, but you will soon find yourself enchanted with a garden at night. They are special spaces, made for your enjoyment. Just think, you can enjoy your garden at all hours of the day or night.
I am not a gardener but I can certainly appreciate the idea behind a moon garden. It is lovely to enjoy the garden in the evening. I live in Greece and we stay indoors during the day when we don’t have to be outside because of the heat. We then go outdoors when the sun is setting so this would be the perfect garden for us.
Oh Mary, you live in a country that I hope one day to visit. Moon gardens would fit into your part of the world in a most perfect way. Enjoy the cool comfort and the beautiful flowers too.
777 Stratton Drive
i adore daytime morning glories can’t wait to try a moon variety!
You would love the Moon Glories for sure. Twice the size of your regular Morning glories and fragrant…
3355 Seaborg Way
What a wonderful idea! I have the perfect place to make one.
So glad to hear that Andria, the evenings in the garden are really quite special and when you find out how much you enjoy it, you will be out there much more. It’s a great place to relax and refresh at the end of a long day.
I’ve always thought it might be fun to have a moon garden, but I’m not sure where I’d put it. I don’t have time for another outdoor project until I get the books cleared out of my house and find places for what’s left. I like your ideas.
Oh Barbara, I hear you, it’s hard to keep up with all the projects I have in my head too! When it becomes a priority, you will find the place and the time….thanks for your visit.
299/166 Phailin Village
All such great ideas. Thank you Olivia for sharing this post at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. I shared it on social media.
Thank you Grammy Dee. I love Moom Gardens in all their splendor and scented beauty. I appreciate sharing it all over the place. <3
Wowm that is a gorgeous plant!! I need to learn how to take cuttings. I don’t know the first thing about that. I would love to learn. As I do everything from seed or a plant already started.
Sandy, You have just given me an idea for my next post….Stay tuned, I can help you learn how…..
What wonderful ideas! I would love to have a moon garden. Since I am pretty fond of all of the flowers you recommended, I would definitely enjoy the setting. My mind is whirling with ideas now. I do need to create my own romantic moon garden.
Miss Cynthia, if you build it, I can guarantee that you will indeed enjoy it. People are working harder through the day, so evenings are the time to get out into the garden and relax. What a nice place to enjoy that cup of tea or coffee and discuss the trial and tribulations and the joys of the day gone by…….
What an enchanting idea, Olivia. The moonflower sounds like a lovely addition to a moon garden.
It truly is Miss Elf! Morning glories are a favorite of mine, but the moonflower morning glories are as big as a dinner plate and smell incredible. They truly are marvelous and quite worth the time to plant!