We are coming to the close of 2015 and quickly we will be making out resolutions for 2016! That is of course unless you already have them all in place.
In my house (my personal house) there will be two resolutions that I will be sticking with, through thick and thin. One has to do with my health (bodily health) and the other has to do with my mental health.
If I can get those two under control, then 2016 will be a year where you won’t be able to stop me.
Part One
I am overweight and that is the first thing I must tackle. I have dieted, I have exercised, I have starved myself and to what end? I lost weight and then once all the dieting was done, I gained all the weight back again and a little extra to boot!
I cannot let that happen again. My knees are very arthritic and I need to get my body weight under control. Oh I don’t want to be “Skinny”, I never was, and that would put me on a road to fail! So I won’t do that. I will eat sensibly and get out for a walk on a daily basis….that should already help a lot. Once I feel better I will start to swim again. This should be easier for my knees and I love the water anyways.
Part Two:
So now onto the second part of my Challenges for 2016. As you can tell I am a blogger. I blog about things that matter to me. I love to learn about gardening, flowers, plants, but I also love my grandchildren and everything that they get into. From Books for little kids, to toys, and games, there is something that Grammie Olivia will blog about!
Successful blogging though requires certain attributes. It doesn’t help if you are blogging and no one ever reads what you are writing about. You want to be seen and read. So I have found a most remarkable way to learn how to blog productively and would like to share that with you too!
It doesn’t hurt that if you do your blogging correctly you could even make a few extra dollars to help out at home.
Lesley and Robin run Pajama Affiliates and they have a course available for “Beginner Bloggers” with a special for New Years!
With the course under your belt, you can start blogging the correct way, so that you are found and read! Follow the course and you will learn so much. I joined a few months ago after years of spinning my wheels in the blogging world. Now I am making some moves in the right direction.
So if you are at all like me and need to give your body and your mind something positive to do in 2016, then join along! I know you won’t regret it.
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