It’s Half Way through the School year, do your children need help to Learn and Succeed?
While many people understand that schooling is not all about marks or how well children do on tests that counts, it is still important for the child to feel like they are accomplishing their tasks.
We all want our children to learn at the appropriate level and starting them off on the right foot is helpful. Small successes at the beginning of their School Lives, will encourage them to have more success as they pass the different levels. What do you do if your child is struggling? One thing you don’t want to do is Ignore the Struggle! We want them to learn and succeed!
Be Successful, Online Learning
Parents if they see their children floundering, can take steps to help, with positive online learning help!
ABCmouse is a program that will do just that. Children are lead through lessons in a fun and engaging way. Learning online, lets the kids take the lessons at their own pace and go over the lessons until they are comfortable with what they have learned.
Playing and Learning go Hand in Hand
ABCmouse is an online learning program designed for preschool children and those right up to Grade 2. These are the foundation years for your children and everything they learn will be built upon these foundations. Let’s make it a good strong foundation that will let your children realize their potential with a positive learning experience.
ABCmouse has more than 8,500 learning activities for your children. Each lesson is fun and they can do them over and over again. Reinforcing the learning that is taking place while they are having fun.
Try it Free for 30 Days
Your children have nothing to lose if you take this free offer! It will give you a chance to see how much fun and learning your children are doing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your children will have their confidence levels rise, as they will know what they have learned.
Some Strategies: Success Online Learning
Children are taught using strategies that have been proven to work. Success with online learning comes from using books, songs, music, puzzles and art activities all geared to have children respond. ABCmouse provides specific learning activities to help with Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Music. The children just love the way these subjects are presented. There is no pressure, just lots of different ways to learn. When they are not sure, they can do the lesson again. Or if they really enjoyed a lesson, they can come back and do it again just for fun.
ABCmouse now offers lessons right up to the Grade 2 level. Help your children become the leaders in their class! By knowing their own lessons, they, in turn, can help others who may be lagging. This is so important for your child and for those whom they can help too!
This is truly a Win-Win for your child. Laying that good foundation and watching them grow into confident and caring students is wonderful.
Teamwork with ABCmouse and your child will be an advantage that will help them all through life.
Don’t let your children struggle through another year of Grade School. Make this the year that they truly shine and excel at everything. It’s an investment into their future and they will thank you in more ways than one!
It’s great to make playing a learning experience. 2 for the price of 1!
Wow, this is so useful. I’ve seen it once before. This is a great reminder and an awesome recommendation to help my girl learn.
If your daughter needs help, then this program will be a great place to start. She will enjoy playing and learning at the same time. She will remember the important lessons for much longer and be able to recall what she needs when she needs it.
Not familiar with ABCmouse but it sounds like a winner! Thank you for partying with us at Blogging Grandmothers Link Party. I shared your post on my social media sites.
Grammy Dee, if you ever have a grandchild that needs some help with lessons, this is the program for them. Teachers are very impressed with the lessons and it has received many awards. It’s fun for the children to learn.
These are great tips! As parents it’s so important to help our kids learn and succeed! There are great tools now to do this which is awesome.
Thank you, Samantha, this is a great tool indeed, especially if a youngster is struggling. Learning in a fun environment is key with young children and this program is fun.
My oldest grandson love ABCmouse. My daughter found it and tried the free 20 day trial. Amazing how fun they make learning. Worth every penny.
Oh, I’m so happy to hear this. I know many children who love this program, but it’s always nice to hear about another. Making learning fun is the key to having children use the programs. It really does make a big difference.
Interesting tips. I do believe that there is too much pressure these days though on our children to “succeed” in the school system. I guess it depends on what your definition of success is. I don’t mind programs like this that assist a child in their education, but I am very much opposed to the notion that if a child is not up to the same standard as other children in their age group that they have “failed”.
I do agree though, if a child is having difficulties that we as parents should absolutely do what we can to assist them.
Thank you, Vicki, for your comments. I agree with you wholeheartedly. We put far too much pressure on the children to learn facts and measure their success at taking tests. This is not true success, it’s just a measurement of the child’s ability to spit back what he has been given. I like this system because it uses music, song and many other ways to encourage children to explore a topic and then they will remember better. Being able to play the games whenever they want to helps to reinforce the lessons……and it’s at the child’s pace.
It’s important to start them early!! Lovely tips and ideas, girl. ABCmouse sounds like a brilliant resource!!
xox Nadia
I agree and with so many children falling through the cracks, it’s even more important. It’s not expensive either. There is no reason not to have this resource for our children. Thanks for your comments.