Blogging is taking the Internet World by Storm! But, how do Make Money and blog better?
I am sure that many of you have friends and family that are somehow involved with posting things on the “world wide web”. Some of them may be selling things that they make and others may be writing about things they use or products that they like.
All of that is good and worthy of space on the “web”, but if you are writing and posting the Ultimate Goal is to have what you have written, read! And if you are selling products, you want them to buy! There is no point in writing on the “web” if no one is ever going to see what you have taken the time to write about!

Internet Blogging Movement
So how do you start on the right path to Blogging Success?
Blogging for your own personal satisfaction can be done through several different sites. One that has come to light recently and will also pay you is called Niume. Here you can write about a whole host of topics and they will help your writings to be seen by the on-line community. If you are very opinionated by things around you this platform works quite well. If you are new to blogging, this is a good place to start. You will learn a lot, and maybe even make a few dollars in the process. They payout at the $10.00 level. It’s not much, but it’s a start and you will learn a lot.
If you are looking at making some money on-line, then you will have a bigger learning curve. Many people would like to augment their paychecks with some residual money. This can be anything from a few dollars to surpassing what you make at your regular job. It all depends on your willingness to work at it.
Let’s Start Talking About the Steps You Need to Take.
So you have decided to become a blogger, good for you! You will need a website, a domain, and a hosting company. This all sounds daunting, but it’s not. These are all very doable for a small investment. Your website and domain name should be carefully thought out. What are you going to be writing about? Your website should reflect some aspect of what people will expect to read when they come to your website. If you are writing about children, then something like Moms of, or Dads of, would be an appropriate name for your site. You will have to check on the name’s availability. That name would not do if you are writing about pets….so you see the difference.
You can also start researching what it takes to become a blogger. There are many ways and places to learn these things. My favorite so far has been getting involved with Pajama Affiliates. I have learned so much from listening to and watching the video lessons offered here. They have been so helpful and once you join, you can learn even more by becoming a member on their Facebook Page as well. Members regularly will offer advice and experiences that they have had.
Beware also that there are many companies out there that will sell you a package to make you a successful blogger overnight. Don’t believe it for one minute. Blogging takes dedication and yes, work. But if you love to write and love to steer people to products you know are wonderful, then blogging is your answer.
So let’s get to the Heart of the Matter: How do you make money with your blog?
The first is to understand what people are searching for. If you don’t know what people are looking for on the web, how can you expect that they will find you or your blog posts? To that end, you need a good tool to do some Keyword Research! Keyword Research for Blog Posts is like the blood running through your veins. If you are not doing this research before you start writing, you will miss your audience completely. Keyword research is so important that when you have an idea of what you want to write about, you should go to your keyword research tool and enter your topic. I use Jaaxy and I can tell you that having that tool in my arsenal has been significant in getting my blog pages indexed by the internet search engines. Keyword research for blog posts is mandatory if you want to “get found” on the web.
Step One:
Write your own good original content, on whatever your subject is. Original content is your own words, not something that has been copied and pasted into place. Internet robots can spot writing that is copied from other sources. They will shut you down quicker than you can shake a stick. Not to mention you could find yourself in deep trouble for copyright infringements.
Your Blog Post should also be engaging to your audience. Think of a child’s book, how do they keep children reading? Lots of really nice pictures help. So a great blog post will also contain relevant pictures to illustrate what you are writing about. There are many places to get pictures, and again be prepared to ask permission to use a picture and then give credit to the photographer. You can also use your own pictures. Make sure they are good, clear pictures.
Titles and Subtitles
No one wants to look at a page of writing that is nothing more than word after word. Use Titles and Subtitles to your advantage. Break up the page of text with bold or colored words, but only when appropriate. For skim readers, it is always wise to bold the main topics so that they can get to the point quickly.
Proof Read
This is one of the most overlooked parts of writing a blog post. You have written it and when you read it back, you don’t even see misspelled words or awkward grammar. Most computers have an onboard spell checker, USE IT!
If you don’t want to do that, then get a friend to read it, fresh eyes will pick up things you have overlooked. You may not think it’s important, but your reader judges the quality of the writing by what they see on the page. If it is full of typos, you come across as unprofessional. You want people to know that you are an expert in your field. That doesn’t happen with typos all over.
So now you have your first Blog Post ready to go “live”. What now?
There is a list of things that every blog post should have. It makes it easier for people to share something you have written that has grabbed their attention. So let’s look at that list:
- Blog post has been scrutinized for any errors
- Blog post has some really nice pictures
- Blog post has a comments section
- The blog post has Sharing buttons so that it’s easy for others to share your work.
- Blog post has affiliate links to products they can purchase
- The blog post contains at least one picture that can be shared on social media.
- The blog post is shared on Facebook, Pinterest, Stumbled Upon, Linked In, Google + and more social medias.
- After Blog post has been published, you submit the URL to search engines, Bing, Google +
- Share the URL in Facebook groups you belong to
You need to be prepared to comment and share other people’s work on your social networks. You also need to join Facebook groups that follow a similar niche as you.
Blogging to make some money takes time, but it can be done. You need to invest in yourself and be willing to learn constantly. The internet changes all the time and you have to change with it. So be prepared.
Invest in the tools that will help you succeed right from the start!
Jaaxy the most important tool for your keyword research.
Pajama Affiliates for support when you first start out on this road.
Blogging is fun and it can be profitable. Just follow the guidelines here and you will start off on the right foot.
If you need more help, let me know, this is just the beginning of something wonderful.
This should get new bloggers off to a good start.
Thanks, Barbara, I hope it helps them get on the right foot. Blogging is hard without some guidelines on how to do it well.
Wonderful and thorough post! I have been blogging off and on for several years, but I’m a relative “newbie” to monetizing my blogs! I’m hoping to learn more with the Pajama gang! 😉
K. Lee Banks, you are in the right spot. Pajama Affiliates is a great way to go. They are so helpful and their “followers” are very willing to help at all times. Jaaxy is the next most important tool. You cannot blog successfully without a good keyword tool and this one is the best. I have used google tools and many others and none of them comes close to the usefulness of Jaaxy. Do give it a try, they have a free 30 day trial that will show you how helpful it can be.
All great tips for new bloggers!!!
Thanks Sandy, hope it helps some old bloggers too!