So you are thinking of adopting an animal to make your family complete. Here are some things you need to know!
- Adopted Animals have a history.
- They may already be fixed in their temperment.
- Adopted Animals may not be as affectionate or
- They may be so affectionate that you can’t leave them for a minute.
- Adopted Animals may have special needs.
Some issues you may have to deal with…..
Adopted Animals are as loving in some ways as any other animal might be. Some people insist that they make even better pets than a dog or cat from a breeder. They seem to have an innate sense that they are being given a second chance at life.
What makes it a little more difficult is that you may or may not know what kind of conditions your adopted pet has come from. One thing is certain, they do have a history and no one knows exactly how long that history is.
Dogs or cats that have been taken from a rescue situation, may have been so badly treated that they are very wary of anyone coming near them. It may take a lot of time to win their trust.
Again depending on where these animals were rescued from, they may not be affectionate at all! Many will wait until they really get to know you and their new surroundings.
The absolute flip side of this may be a reaction that an adopted dog or cat may have too. For once in their lives, they are treated well. They will not let you out of their sight. You are constantly tripping over the newest member of the family. Rest assured that will get easier as you get to know each other.
Some of these rescues may have special needs. Because they were treated so badly, these animals may be acting out of fear. I have known rescues that pee on the floor every time someone enters or leaves the room.
These are all worst case scenarios and, every animal deserves another chance at happiness.
You have read this far, so now let’s get what we need for our newest family member!
Now you have decided to take that leap and rescue some poor abandoned or mistreated animal, you will need certain items on hand. Most important is a safe place for them to lay their heads down to sleep. This crate shown above is a soft-sided crate that has windows on three sides so that puppy or kitty can be in the crate and still look out. A good food and water dish is esential. Mr. Dog or Ms. Cat (if you choose to let them out) will also need a leash and harness! Safety is the Number 1 priority! Let’s get them used to the idea of someone taking them for daily exercise and play time. It’s a great idea to have some very good soap to clean up any mess that may have been made when Mr. Dog or Ms Cat was in a state of anxiety. No sense in waiting, you should have it on hand from the beginning, you know you will use it sooner or later.
As you and your new dog/cat get to know each other,
I am sure that other toys and goodies will be introduced. Mr. Dog or Cat is going to love each and every one of the goodies bought just for him. Right now, though, I am just interested in getting you prepared for the newest member of the family. Mr or Mrs. Dog will understand very quickly that they are safe now! Every day will get better and better as time goes by. Then you will wonder what took so long for you to get another pet.
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