Hilarious Games are part of the fun when family is together during the holidays and even when the holidays are over.
Christmas is one time of year when families get the opportunity to spend some quality time together. Family games are just one way to make this time enjoyable and will create memories that will last a long, long time. Laughing and spending time together is precious, so let’s make the most of it.

Family Fun Night Games
After all the presents are opened, it’s time to get the hot chocolate and Christmas brunch munchies out. Dad or Mom can set up the games and then let the fun begin.
What games should we play?
Well, I’ve chosen to show you eight different games that can be fun with all members of the family. Some of the younger ones may need help, but that’s part of the fun too!
Here’s the lowdown on these games and what makes them fun!
Reverse Charades is just what it says it is. When playing Charades, usually one person tries to act out the phrase or word on the card. In Reverse Charades the opposite happens. Everyone tries to act out the phrase for one person. Can you just imagine how funny this would be? Laughter will reign over the home, while 4 or 5 are jumping up and down trying to act out the card. What a hoot!
Pie Face Game

Careful or you could be wearing some pie! Pie Face!
Pie Face is a silly game that everyone will be having fun with. The children in the home will find this hilarious. Spin the spinner and crank the handle that many times. Your face is in the opening of the face shield, just waiting to be hit with a handful of whipped cream or some other goody. The whipped cream doesn’t come with the game, you will have to prepare in advance for that, but you can use other food stuff or the sponge. That way whoever turns the crank that fateful time will end up with a wet face or maybe a cookie in their face instead. Sure to have everyone on the edge of their seats waiting for that turn of the crank that will result in someone getting their face “creamed” or better.
Headbandz Game
HeadBandz is another funny game. Everyone wears an elastic headband on their heads, cards are picked up, one at a time. These get inserted into the band on the head of the person whose turn it is. They cannot see what is on the card. By asking questions the person tries to guess who they are, by yes or no questions. The game is mainly for kids, but can be a real hoot for the adults too. Up to 6 players can get in on this game at once or for more, you can make teams.
Sequence Game
Sequence is a board game played with two decks of cards. There are pictures of the cards on the board and the object is for you and your team mate to get 5 cards in a row on the board. Rows can by up and down or diagonal. It sounds really easy, but it is a challenge for both kids and grown-ups. I love this game! It’s fun for both children and adults and no one has any advantage. Older players will be as engaged as the younger ones.
Brain Quest Smart Game
Brain Quest Smart Game is made for kids aged 5-12. Don’t let that stop the adults from playing, though. You have 5 categories to answer questions in and the cards are graded for age appropriateness. Categories include Science, Math, Art, Reading and the World, with questions geared to those categories. The first one to spell out SMART, wins. Good fun and lots to learn with this game. Kids will enjoy this immensely.
Trivial Pursuit Game Family Edition
Who doesn’t love Trivial Pursuit? This game has been around for a while, but this version is made for families. Cards are divided up into Blue cards for the Adults and Yellow cards for the Kids. It can be played individually or in teams. Either way this game is fun and will give loads of great family play time. It gets great ratings in Family Games, so you know that it will be a good game with lots of interesting questions and answers. Age appropriate for 6 years and older.
The Game Of Life
The Game of Life, is another classic game that will have the kids just rolling with laughter. I can remember playing this with my family! We laughed so hard when our children had their cars filled with kids and making their way around the board. Some assembly is required, but it is minimal and well worth the effort. This game will have your family in stitches while going through life. Rated for ages 8+. There are many small parts so this game is not recommended for toddlers/small children.
Cranium Board Game
Cranium Board Game from the desk of Board Game Geek, comes a great description of this game. Because it covers so many different ways to play, no one has an advantage! Kids and Adults alike will be challenged!
From the manufacturer: Cranium Family Fun gives families the best way to play together as a team in an unforgettably fun game that gives everyone a chance to shine. Packed with 16 hilarious activities, Cranium Family Fun gets you building, flipping, sketching, sculpting, guessing, and laughing out loud together every time you play!
I know I like other products by Cranium! They make you think outside the box. Kids and parents will have a great time with this game.

Family Motto
In Conclusion
Games with the family are an important part of your child’s development. Games help them to learn how to co-operate and play as a team. They learn how to have fun with their siblings and friends too. For Christmas this year, make sure there is at least one Family Fun Game included. You will have hours of laughter, merry making and memories! Not to mention just a really good enjoyable Family Time during the holidays.
Merry Christmas…..and Happy Playing.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I love playing board games, especially around Christmas time! Especially games that make you laugh.
Me too Rose, the harder I laugh the more I like the game. Pie Face is a good one for that, a little messy, but funny as all get out!
When I was a little girl my Dad and I always played Chinese Checkers, which is a great game for someone who doesn’t yet read. I love having game night, but sadly, all my kids are grown and moved away, taking my grandbabies with them, haha! So though I’d love these, they aren’t for me. But thanks for taking me back to my childhood with this story!
Yes when the young ones go their own separate ways they do leave a hole to fill. Many Seniors get involved in Bridge Clubs and Euchre. It’s a great way to keep the mind active.
When I was a child Christmas always meant Monopoly, once Trivial Pursuit came into being that was our game of choice for lots of evenings! As parents now we love the family edition Trivial Pursuit, an awesome idea for Christmas Day.
Oh Louanne aren’t those memories worth a thousand bucks? So happy to hear that your family enjoyed playing together. There is nothing that makes better memories than time spent together having fun. Thanks for your comments.
Our kids did enjoy playing games as a family. Nothing quite takes the place of games where people actually interact instead of playing with a computer on some electronic device. Our family played mostly card games, but the idea is the same. It’s an excuse for families to sit down together. As they play, they talk, tease, and laugh — unless they are losing. Then we see who the sore losers and gracious winners are. Playing games helps reveal people’s personalities and characters, as well. We see who cheats and how they handle being called out on it.
So many great points you make here Barbara. I agree when you are playing, you let down your reserve and let the true person shine forth. It makes it interesting, to say the least. Many families are missing out on these interactive times and that is sad. Some of the games listed though make for quite a bit of fun, if everyone is up for that.
Playing board games is a great way to spend quality time together. I haven’t heard of most of these games. I’ll have to take a closer look.
Some of these are a real “Hoot” Dawn Rae. Others like Sequence can be fun, or funny depending on how your play with the rules. They are all really good games. I hope you find one or two to fill in that quality time. Thanks for your visit.
That’s a great list you’ve put together! We played Pie Face during Christmas eve last year, adults and children all together and it was a hit! So many laughs and I love laughter! We went thru a lot of paper towels and wet wipes but WOW did we ever have a good time with that game ๐ Thank you for partying with us at Blogging Grandmothers Christmas Link Party. We’ve shared your post on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
Thanks for your visit Grammy Dee, Pie Face is a real hoot. Laughter is the best medicine and you can’t overdose on it either….
We love family games during the holidays! I was just looking at them last night trying to choose a new game for this year.
Oh Miss Cynthia, I do hope you find one or two to suit your needs. One of the games, Sequence, is really quite fun to play and doesn’t go on and on for hours. If your time is short that would be a great one. Headbandz, if you really want to laugh out loud…..
Great list. My hubs and I were just talking last night about buying some games to have at the house for the grandluvs. I have played Pie Face with a bunch of friends and we laughed until we cried. Thank you so much for a great list of games and for sharing on #blogginggrandmothers.
Clearissa, a good bunch of games when you have grands is a must. They are so much fun to play with and the memories are priceless. Hope you fill your basket with some really neat ones. Happy Holidays.
Every Christmas we always purchase a new family board game. One of our favorite traditions. We open it on christmas eve and spend the night playing it. Will have to decide which one of these we would like.
Oh I like that tradition. We always make sure that one of us, either hubby or myself get a new game for Christmas too. But we wait till Christmas Day. Then after dinner, everyone’s tummy is full of good food, we start playing and keep playing until the wee hours of the morn…..we don’t do boxing day sales, so it makes no difference to us how long we stay up…..It truly is a great tradition. I hope I showed you some games that you might not already have…..Thanks for your visit Candy!
Growing up, we used to spend every Sunday night playing games together as a family. Now that we have young kids, it’s a little harder to get around a game board. But I love your suggestions and will have to check a few of them out!
Shani, don’t give up hope. There is great benefit to be had to play with your children. Not only is it fun, but you talk about all kinds of things while having fun. It’s a great way to find out what your children are thinking too….Thanks for your visit.
I’m picturing my grown kids playing Headbanz with their little cousins on a recent visit. Now I’m picturing my kids when they were little and all four of us playing games as a family. Looking forward to the next generation growing up together and playing games together. Lots of great memory-making time. These are excellent choices!
Oh Susan, that sounds like such a great memory! Headbandz is one of the games that everyone seems to enjoy. There are some really great games in that line up. I hope people never get tired of playing games with their family and friends. Thanks for your visit.
So true. My girl loves family games. It is such a fun bonding time for us. Never heard of these games. Thank you for the awesome recommendations!
Hopefully you can find a new game for your daughter. These are all really good games to play with kids. Thank you for your visit Vaishnavi, Happy Holidays…
I used to like playing games like Yatzee, Scabble, and dominoes.
Angela, I think those games are still very popular and will always be. Monopoly has so many different versions, it just shows that people really enjoy those games. Yahtzee, Scrabble have been around for years. Dominoes are fun too…
Thanks for the list, I’ll have to check some of these out. I recently had a chance to play Sequence at a board game cafe, and it was awesome for sure! ๐ For us, Apples to Apples, without fail, makes us all laugh near hysterically each time we play.
thanks for adding to my list of games that I haven’t yet played. I will look for that one, especially if it delivers on laughs…..Thanks for your visit and comment.
I use to play board games with my kids all the time. We no longer play them and recently gave all of them away. My boys always enjoyed plying board games. My boyfriend and daughter gets side track and we can never finish a game.
That’s too bad Sandy, playing games just might teach your boyfriend and his daughter some patience…
My family is big on games during the holidays. We love Cranium, but Taboo is our favorite!
Falon, I have to agree Taboo is a great game too. Family game time is still alive and well, thank goodness. Every year there are new games to play and that helps too! Thanks for your visit.
Trivial Pursuit has long been one of my favorite family games. And not just for holiday time, although we have played it then too. My favorite afternoon was with all my grown kids and spouses and/or date after our daughter’s college graduation. We were all together for the weekend and spent a very enjoyable afternoon playing TP.
Trivial Pursuit is a classic nowadays. We love it too. I like that the family version is made especially for families with children. The kids don’t feel left out as the questions are right there for their age/school level. Thanks for your comments and your visit.
We love to play games after dinner on Christmas and you’ve given me some new ideas. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
There is nothing like a great game after everyone is full and needing some laughter. I love all of these games Susan, leaning towards the Cranium Brain Game this year as we have all the others already….Too bad I don’t have any pictures of all the fun we were having while playing those. Oh well, maybe this year instead of playing I’ll be taking the pictures.