You have all met my cat, Kizzy! But in case you don’t remember, or you didn’t in fact, meet him, let me introduce you to him now.
Kizmet or Kizzy Kat as he has become known, was the runt of the litter born in 2001. His mother was killed by a car and my brother in law, raised the four babies that were left without a mommy cat to look after them.
So what’s happening with Kizzy right now?
Kizzy has gotten old, in cat years anyways. We don’t want to admit it. but his “glory” days have up and gone. Kizzy was my youngest son’s cat. When he decided it was time to move out of the parent’s nest and try flying on his own, he decided that he would leave Kizzy with us. We were happy to have our little furry friend remain with us, as we were now empty nesters, and needed someone or something to lavish all that extra attention on.
So What’s the Problem?
Kizzy can drive you crazy, but at the same time, he is the most loveable cat we have ever had. He seems to know intuitively when you need him to just sit with you. After being my son’s cat for so many years, he has managed to worm his way into our hearts too. The problem is that he is getting old and I am sure that he is now in pain more often than not. That is the problem. You see neither my husband or I believe in letting animals suffer if there is no hope of making their days better. His appetite seems to be fine and he can still get to the litter box without too many problems, so there is no messes involved with his change in demeanor. Just that he howls sometimes like he’s being tortured.
I’m afraid to take him to the Vet!
Regular vet visits have been a routine in our household, for all the animals we have had the pleasure of sharing our lives with. But this time, I can honestly say, that I didn’t want to take him to the Doctor’s. I was certain that he would not get that clean bill of health ticket this time. Maybe next month we will make that appointment.
So, what do you do?
You know, just watching them, that something is not right. It’s not like they can come over and tell us where it hurts, or point to the spot that is causing the pain. So I decided to have a look and see what kinds of illnesses there are in cats and what I could do to make it better.
The Complete Cat’s Meow: Everything You Need to Know about Caring for Your Cat
Reading all about cats became the first wave of attack on our part. We wanted to know if we were doing everything right. So we started to look for and read whatever we could get our hands on to make Kizzy’s time easier. Maybe a change in diet, or maybe some vitamins would change his slowing pace and his cries for help.
Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook, Fully Revised and Updated
This book offers all kinds of care for cats including natural remedies that will help with certain problems. From the reviews, I read this book is outstanding in explaining in laymen’s terms, what is happening in your cat, and offering actions to be taken by the pet owner. It offers a simple way to understand if you are indeed able to help your cat with whatever problem he is having, or if it’s time to go to the vet. This is a must have book for anyone who loves their cat. Holistic remedies and help are offered as well. If you are going to have cats, then this book should be on your shelf……
After Carefully Reading:
We knew that it was time for us to take our beloved Kizzy for his last trip to the Vet’s. We don’t believe in letting our pets suffer if there is no need and no positive outcome to that suffering. Kizzy, by his continued cries for help, let us know, that this was the right thing to do. Visiting the vet for that last time is never easy, but if you love your pet, you know it’s the right thing to do. One day, we will all meet again over the Rainbow Bridge, where all good dogs and cats play all day without pain or a care in the world.
Rest in Peace Kizzy.
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